1. For the latest stories on AI and ML, check out Udacity’s version of “This Week in Machine Learning”.
    welcome_our_robot_overlords: … by keeping up-to-date on the latest robot over-lording capabilities

  2. Get a better picture of what black box models are doing with LIME (Locally Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations).
    key_awaytaking: many (or, most) humans will always trust human decision-making over machine decision-making, but maybe efforts like this will change that

  3. Earliest know photo of men drinking beer.
    the guy in the middle definitely has a mid-1840s-model motorola flip phone

  4. Some nice visuals of hierarchies of probability distributions.
    key_awaytaking: there are many aspects of math & statistics that I didn’t know I didn’t know

  5. As it becomes more and more obvious how valuable “information” is, Claude Shannon should become less under-rated.
    link that a smarter person would use an affiliate program: Fortune’s Formula is a fantastic read

  6. It definitely feels like ML will eventually make cancer detection routine.
    machine_bites_man: nothing wrong with machines taking over too-high-income jobs… i think

  7. Architectural watercolors by artist Sunga Park.
    collosal_understatement: follow @Colossal