1. AI doesn’t see the world the way humans do.
    key_awaytaking: unsupervised learning is a big deal at google/facebook/twitter.

  2. Batting .400 not as cool as batting 3.5 std devs.
    royal_lesson: George Brett ruled.

  3. Visualizing and interpreting random forests with forest floor.
    you_got_a_purty_shape: not sure yet what I’m looking at with these yet, but I like ‘em.

  4. Photo landscapes of the Lands of Fin and Ice, by Mikko Lagerstedt.
    collosal_understatement: follow @Colossal

  5. A comprehensive report on ML for Designers.
    worthy_of_note: good caveats on designing for uncertainty, mitigating faulty assumptions,
    & creating sanity checks.

  6. Hope you all had a Happy Firework-filled Fourth of July!