1. Terrific reading on ‘Advantage Players’ — gamblers who find a legal edge against the casinos.
    fun_nugget: there are craps games in the U.S. where they use cards instead of dice (!)

  2. Nice intro to anomaly detection and Isolation Forests from Machine Learning Prague 2016.
    stupid_forrest_gump_reference: “My name’s Forrest. Random Forest. You want a chocolate?”

  3. “Deep and wide. Deep and wide. There’s a fountain flowing deep and wide. (Hallelujah)”
    key_learning: google introduces “wide learning”. how long before we get “tall learning”? “fat learning”? “big huge learning”?

  4. Awesome 3D-Printed Light-Based Zoetropes by Akinori Goto.
    collosal_understatement: follow @Colossal

  5. Insert joke about what the “f” in fMRI stands for.
    my_version: who could’ve known that the “f” in fMRI stands for “For a nominal familywise error rate of 5%, the parametric statistical methods are shown to be conservative for voxelwise inference and invalid for clusterwise inference, suggesting that the principal cause of the invalid cluster inferences is spatial autocorrelation functions that do not follow the assumed Gaussian shape?”

  6. Look what machines are doing…
    1 AI fighter pilot wins!
    2 Chatbot lawyer wins!
    3 Startup uses AI to disrupt «insert job occupation» (win!)
    dog_bites_man: AI beats man.

  7. New hot jobs for the digital era